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Goethe, Medals and the Goethe.Culture.Run

The Goethe.Culture.Run is not just about athletic performance – it also celebrates culture and history, two things that fascinated Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The medal awarded to finishers at the finish line would surely have thrilled him, as he was not only a master of words but also a passionate collector of coins and medals.

A passion for ancient medals

Goethe had a particular fondness for antique pieces, which he eagerly collected, especially during his journey to Italy (1786–1788). In letters and diaries, he praised these small works of art, which, to him, were more than just metal—they told stories and connected him to the past.


Medals honoring Goethe

Even during his lifetime, Goethe was honored with medals. One of the most famous was minted in 1825 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his play Götz von Berlichingen. After his death, numerous commemorative medals were created to pay tribute to his literary legacy.

Jewelry in Goethe’s literary works

Jewelry and medals also play a recurring role in Goethe’s literary works. In Elective Affinities, a medallion serves as a symbolic link between characters. And who could forget the golden gifts of Mephistopheles in Faust, used to win Gretchen’s heart?

A medal to Goethe’s liking

© SCC Events | Goethe and Schiller united on the finisher medal of the Goethe.Culture.Run

How would Goethe feel about the Goethe.Culture.Run medal? Without a doubt, he would have been delighted! It is said that he owned a medallion with Schiller’s portrait—a symbol of their deep friendship. Just as meaningful, the finisher’s medal features the two poet friends who shaped German literature. In Goethe’s spirit, it blends athletic achievement with cultural heritage. Those who wear it carry not just an award, but also a symbol of inspiration, perseverance, and the power of culture.